Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Aung San Suu Kyi on Non-Violence

I love her because she really is like an Angel of Light on this planet. I find her messages of non-violence simple, yet truly profound. Could you imagine being a Nobel Peace Winner and not being able to claim it because you have been under house arrest for years?

Monday, January 12, 2009

All Life Loves It's Own Life

I adore David! His teachings have awakened so much truth in me. On the scale of consciousness that he uses (applied kinesiology)his book: The Eye of I measures at 960 out of 1000. Only Jesus would measure 1000. Anything beyond that and the physical body cannot handle that much energy. With AK we have a fail proof way of measuring truth. In Power vs. Force he measures many of the world religions along the scale. I will be writing more on this later.

Energy of A Free Being

I Want To Wake Up!

Great Promise of Intimacy

Having problems with your 'significant' other? This should give you a totally different perspective and get the love juices flowing again!

Coach Yourself Into Success Part 2

Coach Yourself Into Success Part 1

Listen to Juan Pablo Girardi discuss the non-dualistic path to success. For more information please go to



Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Finding Your Life's Purpose: Why It Doesn't Really Matter

Do you have a satisfying job or career? Do you feel like it's your life's purpose or do you keep thinking if you could just find out what it was your whole life would change for the better?

“Until we have ventured within to meet with our divine and glorious nature, we will be easily seduced by the materialism of the world.”

Since most of us believe that every thing created has a 'special' purpose, likewise, we want to believe we also have a special purpose for being ‘here’. When we do not find it we wander around aimlessly, or so we feel like that is all we are doing. We are prodded to make a difference in this world. We idolize people that do. We often think they are lucky or blessed or that they are privy to information we are not. We look at them in awe believing they are really out there making a difference in the world. Wow! If only we 'got it' like they do.

"You Are Not Special"

When I first read this in my favorite book: A Course in Miracles, my ego went ballistic. We all want to feel that we are special. We assign 'special' to favorite friends, things, cars, hobbies, foods, etc. 'Good' parents tell their kids all the time how 'special' they are thinking this is part of being a 'good' parent. Thankfully, as I continued to read further in the passage, it went on to explain that while none of us are special we do ALL have a special purpose. We are all unique in our own ways and what we do, no one can or will do it exactly like we do. Because of our Oneness with God we are all the same, not one greater or lesser then another. I looked back over my life and saw how all of the pain I had suffered (and very likely caused others) was a result of my own biased misperceptions. In seeing anyone as higher or lower I lose sight of the equality that is. I am equal to the hooker standing on the corner, the man doing life in prison for commiting a crime, the dutiful socker mom, and Gandhi.

If I had a magic wand to wave in the air with just one wish granted I would wish that every human being on the planet would believe that we are all equal. In the blink of an eye all forms of fear would be gone. Wars would cease in an instant as would famine, greed, selfishness and even the tiniest form of corruption. Taking advantage of someone or feeling like someone was taking advantage of us would seem ludicrous because what would be the 'pay off' in a world where we all saw each other as equal? Who is there to compete with or feel jealous of if you feel like we are all one? I feel better when I am not looking 'up' to someone or 'down' on someone. 'Better,' like the word good -might not even be the right word to describe this because its still falls under the belief that dualities are real. So even though we are not special, we do ALL HAVE A SPECIAL PURPOSE to fulfill in the Master Plan. A special role of sorts that is uniquely our own and no matter how it appears, not a single role is lesser or greater then another. It's our belief in hierarchies that determines how we treat someone. NOTHING but twisted perceptions stem from this belief because of its base on dualities. As I meditated on this I came to feel such incredible love that it literally felt like the whole world and everything in it that had a form vanished like a mist and I could not imagine being 'separate' or 'different' from anyone I had ever known or would. Past hurts and resentments simply vanished and even seemed laughable to me. I even felt a sense of gratitude for the people that had 'betrayed' me realizing how much courage it took for them to play a role whose sole aim appeared to be to hurt me or destroy me.

Why 'Good' Deeds Will Get You Nowhere--'no good deed goes left unpunished'

When we take it upon ourselves to do or be ‘good’ then it is really ego filling the vessel with its tainted perceptions, fears, judgments and manipulations, and that is what will pour out of us. It will be the plans of the ego that are being carried out through us. It will feel heavy or burdensome because it is not coming from Spirit who has infinite access to infinite supply. The reality though, is that when we try to do something ‘good’ in the world it usually backfires. In seeking to do something ‘good’ we lose sight of goodness. Why? Because we are taking it upon ourselves to fix a world that is not broken. The only ‘good’ we can ever do is to turn our thoughts over to the Holy Spirit. That is it. That is the beginning, middle, and end of it. While doing that, we will naturally be guided in our actions or lack thereof. The ‘fixing’ is done for us in our own minds through the Holy Spirit. When we try to do ‘good’, as much as we would like to believe it is the voice of Spirit guiding us, it rarely is. We mistakenly think we can feel good by doing ‘good’ (it’s like the ocean saying that it is going to try to be the ocean). This is easily proven by how unappreciated, or taken advantage of we feel when our acts of 'kindness' are not received in the manner we had hoped. We feel stupid or used, misled, drained, empty, and like we sacrificed time or money, energy, love, etc. A signature of Spirit is that it will never feel like a sacrifice-it will feel effortless. By realizing your own eternal goodness and innocence you will not seek to be or do ‘good’ in the world. By your mere being you will know that you already are and nothing you think or do can ever change this. Realizing that nothing in the world of form can change the essence of your being can be very uplifting and give you much peace! From a point of already feeling good and complete within our own beings (which only happens under the guidance of the Holy Spirit & I don't think we are always aware of it), we become that empty vessel goodness can flow through. Kindness is poured through us to others and we rejoice in the process. It is the Holy Spirit that chooses who to share this kindness with because only the Holy Spirit knows who needs it most. Not that Spirit sees anyone or anything as broken or needing to be fixed, but more like Spirit simply prodding that person to awaken to the completeness they already are in their true nature.

Have you ever noticed how hard it is to wake up from a ‘happy’ dream? You just want it to go on forever. A nightmare though, you want to wake up from immediately. It feels terrifying to us when we feel that we have not yet found our lives purpose and that time is passing us by. Because we live in a world whose sole basis is rooted on the perceptions of dualities, we think that if we are living our lives purpose we are doing something right and good, therefore our lives are meaningful, and if we are not- then we are doing something bad or wrong and our lives are meaningless. We believe we are wasting time (which is another fallacy because how can we waste something that is eternal?) and when we die our being ‘here’ will not have made one bit of difference.

"Do Something, Already!"

The fact is that no one can make a difference in the world. It is a lie. A trick of the ego to keep us rooted in the illusion (and focused ‘out there’ in the world of form) so we will not turn to the truth and the only reality within. The beLIEf that we must do something to change the world is downloaded into our minds daily. It’s a miracle we get out of bed some days, isn’t it? With so much to ‘live up to’ in the world and the ruthless onslaught of the ego to do more and be more (or less of this and less of that), it’s a wonder we don’t all drive off the nearest bridge. Some people do. I even feel a little envious of them at times for having the guts to do it. I once heard someone say not to wonder why people go mad but to wonder why they don’t.

What many people seeking their lives purpose need to understand (myself included) is that all the great leaders of our time (or any other time in history) like Nelson Mandela, Gandhi, Mother Theresa, Martin Luther King, etc…did do is NOT make a difference in the world. The Holy Spirit imparted wisdom to them that they then shared with the world and it made a difference in the minds of the people. The world stayed the same with all its famine, pestilence, prejudices and wars. There will NEVER be peace on Earth. Let’s be real. We will always have wars, greed, materialism, poverty, etc because this whole illusion of us being ‘here’ is just that-an ever-changing, unchanging illusion we dreamed up to prove we can be separate from our Source-- which obviously did not work, right?

The More I Live, The Less I Know

Is it possible that true wisom is undersanding that the more we live the less we know? After all, many of us see children as innocent because they do not know anything. This is because the more we live the more the thought systems of the world are downloaded into our minds. All of the ways of the world are false and ego based. Even in the scriptures it suggests we be in the world but not ‘of’ the world. We can never be of the world because this is not our home. Sure, when we feel we are living our lives purpose we may feel more at home here. This is fine, but it will only serve to root us deeper into the illusion and cause us to attach to the world even more. It’s like visiting a friend’s house that you like better then yours, perhaps he has a big swimming pool and a big screen TV. that you don’t have at your place. No matter how hospitable he and his family are, you will never feel, deep down, that you are home. Especially since your reasons for preferring to be there, instead of your own home, are very shallow.

In reality, most people that feel they are living their lives purpose have a sweet humility about them. They are often not attached to the results of what they are doing since they feel it is something being done through them not by them. You can clearly see there is no ego about it. When we recognize that our core is divine and there is nothing we need do in the world to prove that, we will feel free. Only by constantly turning our minds over to Spirit will our thoughts be purified. There is no other way that this can happen, especially not by doing ‘good’ deeds or finding our lives purpose as we have been conditioned to believe.

Relax, It's Not Up To You

When you come to understand that finding your life’s purpose is not up to you, you can rest in the ‘not knowing’ and openly embrace the mystery. As you hand the reins over to Spirit you will be divinely guided down the road- no matter how rocky it gets or how often it twists and turns-you won’t even need a map to get to where you are meant to be! If you think you do know what your life’s purpose is and you are not living it, again, you will feel guilt and shame. This too is just another tactic the ego uses to keep you from turning to Spirit within for guidance. Whenever we try too hard at anything we are sure to fail. This alone should be an indicator to you that desperately seeking to find your life’s purpose is futile and not something Spirit leaves up to us. Spirit calls us when it calls us to do what it will. It all happens through us not by us. As Spirit moves through us to do what it may, it will use our abilities/tools to do so, and for the ones we do not have, Spirit will work through others in accomplishing its Holy Purpose. Even though, in reality, there is no grand purpose for this life because it is not real. It is only when we buy into it and take it seriously that we will feel terror. In the nightmare we are praying that its not real and I am telling you that it is not. Remembering this, especially when faced with the appearance of evil (Jesus said to abstain from the appearance of evil not that there actually was evil), you can lighten up, let go, and laugh at the craziness of it all!
The truth is, we are God’s own and that is the ONLY REALITY and the only thing that matters. It really doesn't matter if you call it something else. I doubt God is offended by being called the 'wrong' name or even if Source has a ***name. I mostly use Christian terminology because that is what resonates the most with me. For instance when I use Universe, as I sometimes do, something feels amiss. I figure if there is a God/Source that created the entire Universe would I listen to God itself or what God created. What matters is there is a divine power that is ever present and that is the truth that sets us free. We just have to learn to stop looking for it 'out there' and simply reach inside our Soul for it- where it's always been.

The skillful are not obvious
They appear to be simple-minded
Those who know this know the patterns of the Absolute
To know the patterns is the Subtle Power
The Subtle Power moves all things and has no name

~Power vs. Force by: David R. Hawkins

Be the child and rejoice in the freedom of it! To be divinely led in all of our thoughts and undertakings is true liberation! With every fear based thought you turn over to Spirit, the undoing of error is taking place. The ILLusion will begin to fade off into the background more and more each time. This will make you acutely aware of the peace that is your whole being. Feeling it within your own being you will cease to look for it ‘out there.’ Only the ego wants to know what it is here for because it has created ‘here’ and it has to keep trying to convince us that ‘here’ means something so we won’t wake up to the truth. It thinks that if it knows then it can find ways to manipulate the whole journey. It tries to do so anyway.

The Roller Coaster of ‘Knowing’ Your Life’s Purpose

When I look back over my life and recall the times I felt so sure I knew exactly what my life’s purpose was and why I was ‘here’, I remember the incredible rush of energy and feeling of belonging. Suddenly it felt like everything in my life made sense and I just ‘knew’ that this or that was it. I would give thanks to God and the Universe, the stars and planets, the people who rejected me, the parents who told me I would never amount to anything, the bank clerk who messed up my account…etc… Yes, they all played a role in getting me to this moment. The moment of absolute certainty of why I was on this planet had finally arrived. Finally, my life could really begin. I would let nothing stand in my way now! At long last, right under my nose the whole time—my purpose for being! Then off I would go doing one thing after another. Some doors seemed to open of their own accord, others I had to push through, one little step after another, until… until… nothing. To my dismay, every single time without fail….the energy would wane and fizzle out. It seemed like some god of karma or some dark force would pluck me out of the clouds and crash me down to dusty earth grinding all of my dreams into the soil. It almost sounds like I was on some kind of hallucinogenic doesn’t it? This was all ego, I see that clearly now.

What If I Told You That I Know Your Life's Purpose?
Would you think I was the most arrogant person you ever met? I wouldn't fault you if you did. I know I don't like it when someone claims that they know what is best for me or what choices I should make in my life. Think of it this way. IF we are not really 'here' and its all an illusion or a dream like many have said. Then doesn't it stand to reason that the best thing we could all do is to simply wake up? I tend to believe that the more we realize we are equal that the more we will finally begin to awaken out of our extremely unpeaceful slumber. After all, we only seek to escape when we find something unbearable or are in denial of some form. We use so many excuses to mistreat one another especially ourselves. What if the only thing we are all 'meant' to do is wake up? Wake up from the nightmare that we can actually be separated from our Source.

“Absolute Certainty Leaves No Room for Doubt.” -acim

I now realize how much freedom and peace I feel when I accept the fact that I do not know why I am ‘here’. Because I believe that I am an emanation of Divine Source and this Source is all powerful, it only stands to reason that I would trust that this Infinite Power knows exactly what it is doing through me. Only in letting go will I be divinely led. How could I be otherwise, when I am clinging and holding on to all of my egoic beliefs, judgments, and false interpretations laced with my poisonous fears? I have no words to describe how I know ONLY God's truth and knowingness is certain. I don't think truth needs to be (or can be) proven. It's like the wind or the air I breathe. Since this knowingness is all encompassing there is no room left for doubt.

Living One Delicious Moment After Another!

A child of God is happy just to know it is God’s own. There is nothing else that it seeks to be because it knows there is nothing greater. I don’t know about you, but all of my plans do not go as I plan them. I mean every single one of them. So this is proof that I am never in control as the ego would like to have me believe. However, when God’s plans are carried out through me, I am living my life’s purpose. This is revealed to me moment by moment as it is unfolding. As I turn over my need to know what it is and why I am ‘here,’ I am trusting God to lead me through the gentle prodding and thoughts the Holy Spirit will think and do through me. Since all of the thoughts I think with God are true, it is impossible that I will be led astray. In not knowing or claiming to know, I remain in my innocence and every day is fresh and new. I awaken to the spontaneity of divinity expressing itself through me one delicious moment after another! I allow that energy to choose the timing and which forms it will infuse with Its love and I rejoice in the simple sweetness of being a child of God. That is my life’s purpose.

by Maribel © 2009

Note: The excerpts above are only portions of the upcoming book that will be available soon through Amazon. Thank you.